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The Bottom Turtle: A Christian's Journey Into Yoga
The Bottom Turtle by Dave Driver is a wonderfully insightful examination of the interconnectedness of yoga, Christianity and the human struggle. The Bottom Turtle carefully considers both perspectives, and offers a bridge to unite the two communities without sacrificing Biblical truths.
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"Honest, humble, insightful, and humorous."
"I have read this book countless times and every time I get something new out of it."
"I so often heard my own questions and thoughts right there in print."
"I just finished your book. Great insight and I love your voice!"
"Excited to receive your book. I have been teaching Holy Yoga for several years and I am always looking for a new book to read on Yoga and Faith."
"I start my yoga training next month and your book has giving me extra confidence. I have a new freedom to hold my Lord's hand and softly chant His words of truth."
"My confidence to sit with seekers from all new age ideas and places has been fed and firmly established by your insight. Jesus is the bottom turtle and we have the truth...actually He has us."
"I am really, really, enjoying this book. Having grown up in a devout Catholic family where we were not even allowed to walk into a church of a different religion, The Bottom Turtle is really resonating."
Contact Dave
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